I like the idea of Ubuntu Youth, but I feel that maybe we should be more focused on eradicating poverty here in the United States before trying to do so elsewhere. There are millions of our on United States citizens, many of them children, that would benefit from a program such as this, just as much as the South African Children. I do not say this because I am mean or racist, I am actually quite the opposite and very accepting of many people. I just feel that the best way to help others is to help your self first. If we eradicate poverty in the United States then there will be more people and money available to then help out the countries.

For my own community, I see lots of help being given in multiple areas, but I feel Stillwater is lacking in one area. There are many companies that participate in the annual United Way fundraiser, you see the thermometer signs every where. There are also many smaller organizations that help the citizens of Stillwater, such as Mobile Meals, Stillwater Domestic Violence, CASA, and the Humane Society. The one area I do not see covered is youth counseling services for young homosexuals. Such a group could help explain to the youngster what they are feeling and give them a support system to help them through one of the toughest periods in their life. This group could also offer help in coming out to the parents and provide counseling for the parents as well. I personally know the weight such a matter puts on a young persons shoulders and having a group like this for moral support would really relieve a lot of that burden.  

Angie Hayman
6/6/2013 08:16:07 am

I agree with helping out in our country first. My daughter saw an ad on YouTube about the poverty stricken areas in Africa and the fact that they have to drink water that is infested with living bacteria and that many children have died from just trying to hydrate their own bodies. This went to her heart immediately and she asked me if we could start donating to them. My initial response was YES, my daughter is selflessly thinking of others and I want to do this for her. After much thought and consideration though, I decided it would be better for her to donate to something closer to home so that she could actually see what her donation is doing to help. I pray that she continues to have this compassion in her for the rest of her life so that she can maybe help change the world! :o)


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    May 2013

