The photo shopping that media does absolutely disgusts me. To me the fact that the celebrities allow the photo shopping to be done means that they do not feel comfortable with their own bodies. The celebrities should be role models for the younger generations and show them that they should like the body they were given and that it is their responsibility to improve it not the editors. I definitely agree with ELLE's campaign of not photo shopping their cover models. And I am proud of the women who participated in this campaign and showed off their beautiful unaltered faces and bodies . I do not agree with the editors that believe they need to photo shop their models to sell their magazine or product. The fact that the do this really aggravates me to no end. These editors are so superficial, that they don't care that they are destroying an already beautiful face. Hiding an important part of life and giving the impression to the younger generation that celebrities don't age. The thing I find interesting and confusing at the same that is that the celebrities actually allow the photo shopping in the first place. I mean, these people are beautiful to begin with and who cares if they are aging that is a natural part of life and should be celebrated not hidden away.

I am by no means a technological genius, in fact I made up a word to describe my technological prowess.  "Techtarded",  I can do very little with technology without someone there walking me through it.  Just getting this site started was a huge hassle for me. I ranted and raved and many strings of curse words flowed from me, but with many videos and questions and a good friend I finally got it made.  The reading that caught my attention the most was " The Flight from Conversation".   It embraces the true meaning of conversation,  we should all put down our phones, laptops, tablets and other devices and really just talk to each other.  I agree with Turkle in that many of us rely too much on technology, but I also agree that it had its advantages as well (otherwise I wouldn't be able to take this class.)  The one paragraph I don't like is the businessman lamenting that he no longer has colleagues at work.  He blames it on his co-workers  not wanting to be interrupted, only to take it back and let the truth be known it is because he does not want them to interrupt him. It makes me sick to know that this is reality.  I have always had and cherished my relationships with my co-workers.  I found Turkle's  "Goldilocks effect" to be interesting.   That we use technology to keep others at just the right distance, not letting them get too close or too far away.  What confuses is me is why anyone would rather talk to an AI than their father.  My father and I never had the best of relationships through my childhood, but I would still go to him. If I had questions my mother couldn't  answer or was too embarrassed to ask her I would still rather ask him than a soul    
I am not sure that I could really pinpoint all the influences that have shaped me.  I was raised in a non-church going christian family.  To my parents, our faith in God did not depend on us going to church.  It was determined instead, by what we felt in our hearts and in the way we treated others.  We were raised to always follow the golden rule.  Though my family may be as redneck as we come.  We are also as loving and accepting as a family can be.  We are that family, that if one of our friends has no way of getting to their family for a holiday we invite them to our holiday celebration and make them feel like a part of the family.  
As for my career, I have no idea. All I know is that I have always been a very and caring and compassionate person and felt medicine would be a great field to match my personality.  My ultimate goal is to become a physician, but I am going to have to work my way to that.  I decided to become a nurse and get experience in the medical field.  
I would like to start of with a disclaimer;  I am a terrible writer and I dislike writing.   My only hope for the class is just to pass.
I know I have quite a bit to learn about writing, but unfortunately it was taught to me many times before and did not stick.  The rules for math and science seem to be plastered all over my brain, but for some reason all the rules and what not for English and writing just cannot find their adhesive.

Last semester I had three online classes.  My experience in two of them was not as bad as I was expecting.  The third how ever was a nightmare.  The first two were my Microbiology and my Composition 1 class.  I got through those with a "B" and "C" respectively.  I was very glad to get the "C" in comp, as I had failed it twice before (yes, I am that bad.)  I really should have gotten and "A" in micro, but I was putting most of my focus on my comp class just praying that I could pass it.  The third on was Fundamentals of Business Administration.  I had gone into  the Lasso Office looking for one more class to get me to full time status.  This was all they were able to find me.  The informed me it was pretty much a "blow off" class and would be and easy grade, WRONG.  It was an eight week course from hell.  In that eight weeks we four assignments per week, a book we had to read and do a report on (I am a slow reader as well) and a presentation of that report.  I happened to finish the book with just three days left to do the report.  Nevertheless, I got a very bad grade on it.  The other thing was that he expected us to take a quiz and final and did not get the lecture videos up until two days before the final.  If this had been my only class that semester I think I could have done better, but having all that piled on top of Micro, Comp 1, Stat and working full time was a bit much for me to handle. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

