I am by no means a technological genius, in fact I made up a word to describe my technological prowess.  "Techtarded",  I can do very little with technology without someone there walking me through it.  Just getting this site started was a huge hassle for me. I ranted and raved and many strings of curse words flowed from me, but with many videos and questions and a good friend I finally got it made.  The reading that caught my attention the most was " The Flight from Conversation".   It embraces the true meaning of conversation,  we should all put down our phones, laptops, tablets and other devices and really just talk to each other.  I agree with Turkle in that many of us rely too much on technology, but I also agree that it had its advantages as well (otherwise I wouldn't be able to take this class.)  The one paragraph I don't like is the businessman lamenting that he no longer has colleagues at work.  He blames it on his co-workers  not wanting to be interrupted, only to take it back and let the truth be known it is because he does not want them to interrupt him. It makes me sick to know that this is reality.  I have always had and cherished my relationships with my co-workers.  I found Turkle's  "Goldilocks effect" to be interesting.   That we use technology to keep others at just the right distance, not letting them get too close or too far away.  What confuses is me is why anyone would rather talk to an AI than their father.  My father and I never had the best of relationships through my childhood, but I would still go to him. If I had questions my mother couldn't  answer or was too embarrassed to ask her I would still rather ask him than a soul    
Cheyanne Terry
5/24/2013 10:22:55 am

I do agree with you that I would rather communicate with my friends or co-workers in person than by the use of some form of technology. However, I cannot say that I am ready to give up the use of it altogether. I will admit that I heavily depend on the use of social media to keep in contact with those people whom I consider friends and family that I do not see on a daily basis. In fact, I feel closer to them than I believe I would if it were not for the use of technology. I is really amazing how a person can be in the room with several others and they will all be on their phone without ever saying a word to each other. A while back I was in a hospital waiting room and nearly every person had out their phone. It is difficult to even imagine how our society functioned without the use of technology.

Kevin Nelsen
5/25/2013 05:05:48 am

Don't put yourself down for feeling uncomfortable with using technology in todays world. Taking this class is proof that you are dealing with it adequately. I agree that we are all most familiar with face to face communication, and that's where the comfort level comes from. Using technology is just another set of tools that we must adapt to and become comfortable with to achieve the same level of communication.

Dawn Costello
5/25/2013 12:19:28 pm

I agree with Kevin. Dont get down on yourself because, as you put it, you are a techtard. Although I am on the other end of the spectrum, and very computer oriented, I find that being a techy is actually hindering my life at times. With computers, I find myself emailing, or texting someone just so I really dont have to speak with them. I have actually started to isolate myself because I use my computer so much. Sometimes, I really believe that we were better off without all the hype of Social Media and Social Networking.


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    May 2013

